Well, what I did was promote my fanpage and written article videos to try and get ad monetized for videos. This required me to pay for fb ads to promote it on their platform. Somewhere along the way when I was nearing 5k likes on my fanpage and gained thousands of views for my videos. They monetized me for fb publication which allows writers who have their own website to attach their articles to Facebook to promote and earn from. However, the only downside to this is that the site must have pulled in at least 10k visitors to be green lit to connect the first article and so forth.
But, it isn’t nothing that can’t be fixed with google ads which can pull 10k visitors in a day if you know how to promote your content and site through ads. So, overall it can be costly at first to set up but I’ve seen people suggest that they make good earnings from doing Facebook articles. I haven’t done it yet because I haven’t had a site with my written content to connect. Feel free to check out some videos on it and see what you think. 🤗